Eunice Hau
![Eunice Hau](
Eunice Hau
Eunice Hau is a Calgary-based screenwriter. An alumnus of the University of Calgary (BA in English and Psychology) and the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (Film and Video Production), she has produced and written several independent short films, including faith-based film "With Us" and web series pilot episode "Ginger Beef." Her work has garnered several "Best Screenplay" nominations. She is currently writing a feature-length dystopian fantasy film, made possible by funding from the Alberta Foundation for the Arts. Eunice's work, which often features coming-of-age themes, focuses on the tension of inhabiting two worlds, whether it be two different cultures or spiritual realities. She desires for her films to be vulnerable and authentic, while offering hope.
When Eunice is not filmmaking, she can be found hiking (or running) up mountains; volunteering with vulnerable families and children; and (rather unsuccessfully) upkeeping her pet snake’s Instagram account.
eternity e a r n
“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” - Ecclesiastes 3:11
I kept returning to this verse, turning it over and over in my mind. It seemed like a verse I could grasp, but also couldn't. Catching a glimpse of eternity, I believe, is possible on this earth. Like the woman who suffered from bleeding, who came up behind Jesus and touched the fringe of His cloak, we yearn for Him and for that glimpse into the eternal and what it could mean for us. We are bound to this earth for now, but something in us seeks what is higher, and while we cannot fully grasp it, perhaps that is the point. The heart ache, the spirit ache, for the "more:" this is an imprint that God leaves on us, that draws us to Him.
Seeing Fully
I find God in the backcountry. Or, He finds me. Let's face it, it's mutual. Mountain weather is fickle, and there have been many an occasion where I am on top of a mountain, but due to intense rain, cloud, or thunderstorm, I cannot see anything--I know that there's an incredible view out there; I just can't see it at the present moment. It reminds me of 1 Corinthians 13:12: "For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known." Sometimes I imagine what earth will look like when it's made new. One of my imaginations is that perhaps mountains--huge mounds of rock--will actually be "upgraded" to jewels, gemstones. Now we see but in part, and then we will see in full. I manipulated this photo that I took on a backcountry camping trip, the original photo being a moment of glimpsed eternity: sharing scripture, meditation, and encouragement with friends. Again, I have found myself in Ecclesiastes 3:11.